Monday, March 9, 2009

Another Busy Soccer Weekend

Well....we are trying to recover from 7 games of soccer this past weekend. Lauren didn't have such a good weekend with her team but Emily's team took 1st place for the 3rd tournament in a row. Emily and her team played very well. The teamwork shows in every game. Emily had 3 goals and 2 assists. So proud of her and her team! It is definitely a team sport.

We had a small scare with Lauren. After the 3rd game on Saturday, we went to Red Robin. She decided to inhale an ENTIRE balloon of helium and pass out on the ground next to the car and have a small seizure. Emily started yelling at me "MOM...MOM...Lauren is turning purple!" I wanted to literally kill Lauren and ask questions later. She was not all there for awhile. We explained to her that people die from doing stupid stuff like that. Lauren is our child that will push everything to the limit. Hopefully she learned her lesson from that and will use her brain next time, the cells that she didn't kill anyway.

Drew...I can't say much about him except he gets drug everywhere. Poor little guy BUT he starts t-ball tomorrow! Oh how excited he is. Easton came to school today...."Drew....we are going to be the Indians!" I don't think Drew has a clue who the Indians are but he wants to play. Thank goodness a friend of ours is the coach and has a TON of patience!


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