Well....I think I must have forgotten that we are 3 hours ahead of our normal time.......3:00am bedtime isn't good when the alarm will be going off at 6:30! YIKES
We headed out to the Animal Kingdom today. Never been but thought we would try it. Disney goes all out and this was no exception! There was NO reason to shower and do hair because the minute we stepped outside it was flat and gross! HENCE....no pictures of me!
I finally got Andy to go on the rapids! Let me start by saying Drew and I were SOAKING wet......Andy was the driest of us all. It was our second ride so I looked even more like a drowned sewer rat! My favorite part of the day was the safari. It felt like we were in Africa. The giraffes were literally FEET from our jeep! So many things to see..parade, Lion King show, Nemo Show. It started to cloud up around 3pm. When we came out of the Nemo show it was POURING down rain. Luckily, we already bought our ponchos! No exception....we stayed until the park closed. Rain won't stop our family from having fun!
On the down side....Lauren doesn't feel too good. She didn't drink much today and is already asleep because of a headache. We kept telling her all day to keep drinking. The humidity makes us appreciate Arizona's DRY heat! Hopefully tomorrow she will feel better! We have a LONG day.....9am-midnight!! Magic Kingdom here we come!
One last note.......Andy went to the car to grab our ponchos so they can dry out and what did he find......a FREAKING SNAKE on the porch of our condo! Just my luck!
Hope everyone from our soccer team gets hear safely! We can't wait to see our girls play again.
July 12
8 years ago
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